26 mai 2006

Campanile de l'église sainte Benadette

Comme vous avez du le constater, l'église sainte Bernadette n'a pas de clocher. Ses cloches sont dans ce campanile d'où s'élève une lance acérée portant la Croix.

As you have to note it, the holy church Bernadette does not have a bell-tower. Its bells are in a campanile of rising a sharp-edged lance carrying the Cross


Blogger Amande said...

Et bê, c'est effectivement très curieux tout ça!

26 mai, 2006 19:11  
Blogger Sasha said...

That is interesting indeedn. I've always been pretty interested in the archetectural designs of chruches, especially those that aren't what someone might think of as a typical christian church. Thanks for posting this one, Arnaud!

27 mai, 2006 19:25  

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