Dijon plage
Je vous en avait déja parlé, même si certains on eu du mal a me croire, mais maintenant j'ai les preuves en photo. Et oui, Dijon plage c'est bien une réalité: sable chaud, transat, parasol, cabines... C'est la troisième années que les berges du lac Kir vont accueillir les Dijonnais venus profiter du soleil et de l'eau. Il faut dire qu’à 1 € la location d’un transat et d’un matelas pour la journée, on prend goût au farniente !
Une autre vue ici
I had already spoken you, even if some one have evil has to believe me, but now I have the evidence in photograph. And yes, Dijon beach it is well a reality: hot sand, deckchair, parasol, cabins… It is the third years that the banks of the Kir lake will accomodate the Dijonese come to benefit from the sun and water. It should be said that to 1 € the hiring of a deckchair and a mattress for the day, one takes taste with idleness!
An other pic here
Une autre vue ici
I had already spoken you, even if some one have evil has to believe me, but now I have the evidence in photograph. And yes, Dijon beach it is well a reality: hot sand, deckchair, parasol, cabins… It is the third years that the banks of the Kir lake will accomodate the Dijonese come to benefit from the sun and water. It should be said that to 1 € the hiring of a deckchair and a mattress for the day, one takes taste with idleness!
An other pic here
Beautiful coastline! It's now rainy season here in Manila, it started this month of June...but seeing your photo makes me miss summer altogether!!
Quelle riche idée! Et le terre-neuve, je ne le vois pas sur la photo?
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Nice shot of la côte
Very evocative - can't wait for summer again
lots of roasting bodies there. it is still rainy season here, wish its summer soon.
hey Arnaud, interesting post and nice photo
Vite,vite.....remboursez moi ces deux billets d'avion pour Hawaii....j'ai trouvé mieux
Wow, crowded beach.
Glad to give you some sun, for once it is not snow ...
Heuuu, il devait être en mission de sauvetage??
You're right, it's our Dijonese french Riviera :o)
Take your swin suit, they are waiting for you!
I did not believe to say that one day after the winter that we had, but I would like a little rain. It's too hot now ...
Thanks :o)
Heuuuu, si tu veux je garde les billets et toi tu viens ici ?!
You're true, too much people for me, but it was one of the first week end or the weather was very nice.
I find it interesting how everyone is lined so orderly in the same direction and from afar it looks like an ordered mass - very interesting and thanks for that pic!
Finalement, ça n'est pas si idiot que ça. Cela permet à certaines personnes de pouvoir prendre un peu de plaisir.
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