11 juillet 2006

La salle des Etats

La salle des Etats abrite une décoration somptueuse. Transformée en cour martiale allemande, elle vit la condamnation à mort de 15 personnes à la suite de l’enlèvement à Pont-de-Pany. Depuis lors, les bals n’ont plus lieu dans cette salle. Le palais est rénové en 1895 et en 2000. En temps normal il est interdit de prendre des photos de cette salle, la jeune fille devant venait juste de me le dire ... oops l'appareil s'est déclenché tout seul!

The room of the States shelters a sumptuous decoration. Transformed into German martial court, it saw the death sentence of 15 people following removal with Bridge-of-Pany. Since then, the dance hall do not take place any more in this room. The palate is renovated in 1895 and 2000. In normal time it is forbiden to take photographs of this room, the girl in front of came just from me to say that… oops the camera started itself!


Blogger alice said...


11 juillet, 2006 09:46  
Blogger edwin s said...

don't you just hate it when people tell you you can't take pictures of such a beautiful space? as if you will copy it for you own home ;)

i'm glad your camera clicked on its own.

11 juillet, 2006 12:43  
Blogger Kris said...

wow, very high ceiling! simply gorgeous ..imagine standing there

11 juillet, 2006 13:12  
Blogger Felicia said...

What a beautiful room! I can imagine an evening soiree of dancing there.

11 juillet, 2006 21:44  
Blogger Sasha said...

Oops indeed! That's a great looking place!

12 juillet, 2006 02:11  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Edwin, it's not so much copying which is at stake inside museums and palaces ; it's the risk of ruining old wallpapers, paintings and statues. Ancient dwellings are deteriorated by glaring lights, be it the daylight or flash lights.

12 juillet, 2006 21:49  
Blogger stéphanie et arnaud said...

I want just to specify that I do not use a flash to photograph fragile paintings or other works, even if it's dark.

12 juillet, 2006 23:19  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

A beautiful picture of a beautiful room! As an official, the woman's style of dress is an interesting contrast to the room's formality. In this picture, one could say that she creates a comparison between then and now.

13 juillet, 2006 03:45  
Blogger edwin s said...

thank you moino. I guess that slipped my mind as I hardly use a flash. it takes away the natural colour of a shot. but still, thank you for reminding me ;)

13 juillet, 2006 12:29  
Blogger Kala said...

this picture is awesome - I love big open spaces - minimalist approach - and the girl walking adds a nice perspective!!

15 juillet, 2006 09:26  
Blogger Kala said...

I actually got warned once as well for photographing inside a museum but I have to say, the artwork in this pic is fabulous and worth every scolding of it =)

15 juillet, 2006 09:28  
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26 juillet, 2006 03:00  
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