31 mai 2006
30 mai 2006
Le chanoine Felix Kir
Félix Kir, dit le chanoine Kir (22 janvier 1876 - 26 avril 1968) est un chanoine et homme politique français. Il est ordonné prêtre en 1901 et devient curé de différentes paroisses de la région dijonnaise. Pendant l'Occupation, il participe activement à la Résistance et rend possible l'évasion de 5 000 prisonniers de guerre français . Elu maire à la mairie de Dijon, il deviendra conseiller général et député de la Côte d'Or de 1945 à 1967. Il sera le doyen de l'Assemblée Nationale de 1953 à 1967, remodelera les vieux quartiers de Dijon, sera l'intigateur du lac Kir et donnera son nom a la célèbre boisson "Le Kir".
Felix Kir, known as the canon Kir (January 22, 1876 to April 26, 1968) is a French canon and politician. It is ordered priest in 1901 and becomes priest in various parishes of the Dijonese area. During the Occupation, it takes an active part in Resistance and makes possible the escape from 5.000 prisoners of war French. Elected official mayor with the town hall of Dijon, he will become adviser general and appointed Coast of Gold of 1945 to 1967. He will be the senior of the French National Assembly of 1953 to 1967, will reorganize the old district of Dijon, will be the intigator of the lake Kir and will give his name to the celebrates drink “Kir” (Cream of blackcurrant and white wine )
Felix Kir, known as the canon Kir (January 22, 1876 to April 26, 1968) is a French canon and politician. It is ordered priest in 1901 and becomes priest in various parishes of the Dijonese area. During the Occupation, it takes an active part in Resistance and makes possible the escape from 5.000 prisoners of war French. Elected official mayor with the town hall of Dijon, he will become adviser general and appointed Coast of Gold of 1945 to 1967. He will be the senior of the French National Assembly of 1953 to 1967, will reorganize the old district of Dijon, will be the intigator of the lake Kir and will give his name to the celebrates drink “Kir” (Cream of blackcurrant and white wine )
29 mai 2006
Je ne sais si tout le monde connaît cette voiture à pédale que l'on nomme Rosalie. C'est très sympa pour se balader en famille, à condition que tout le monde pédale ce qui est rarement le cas (sutout ceux qui sont à l'arrière ...)
I do not know if everyone knows this pedal car which one names Rosalie. It is very pleasant to go for a "drive" with family, provided that everyone pedals what is seldom the case (especially those how are in the back…)
I do not know if everyone knows this pedal car which one names Rosalie. It is very pleasant to go for a "drive" with family, provided that everyone pedals what is seldom the case (especially those how are in the back…)
28 mai 2006
27 mai 2006
26 mai 2006
Campanile de l'église sainte Benadette
Comme vous avez du le constater, l'église sainte Bernadette n'a pas de clocher. Ses cloches sont dans ce campanile d'où s'élève une lance acérée portant la Croix.
As you have to note it, the holy church Bernadette does not have a bell-tower. Its bells are in a campanile of rising a sharp-edged lance carrying the Cross
As you have to note it, the holy church Bernadette does not have a bell-tower. Its bells are in a campanile of rising a sharp-edged lance carrying the Cross
25 mai 2006
La maison Milsand 3/3
Voici la dernière façade cachée de la maison Milsand. En face de l'escalier et de la galerie de bois, se trouve trois arcades de pierre cantonnées d'atlantes attribuées à Hugues Sambin.
Here the last hidden frontage of the Milsand house. Opposite the staircase and gallery of wood, is three confined stone arcades allotted to Hugues Sambin.
Here the last hidden frontage of the Milsand house. Opposite the staircase and gallery of wood, is three confined stone arcades allotted to Hugues Sambin.
24 mai 2006
Maison Milsand 2/3
La cour de la maison Milsand est très représentative des trésors architecturaux cachés de Dijon. Une des façades est habillée d'un ensemble constitué d'un escalier et d'une galerie en bois.
The court of the Milsand house is very representative of the hidden achitectural treasures of Dijon. One of the frontage is equipped with a staircase and a wood gallery.
23 mai 2006
La maison Milsand 1/3
Habitée depuis 1774 par la famille Milsand, cette demeure a été construite pour Jean Maillard, maire de dijon en 1560. La façade de Hugues Simon est typique du style Renaissance bourguignonne avec ses têtes de lions, ses masques, ses guirlandes de fruits et de fleurs ...
Inhabited since 1774 by the Milsand family, this residence was built for Jean Maillard, mayor of Dijon in 1560. The frontage of Hugues Simon is typical Burgundian Renaissance style with its heads of lions, its masks, its garlands of fruits and flowers…
Inhabited since 1774 by the Milsand family, this residence was built for Jean Maillard, mayor of Dijon in 1560. The frontage of Hugues Simon is typical Burgundian Renaissance style with its heads of lions, its masks, its garlands of fruits and flowers…
22 mai 2006
21 mai 2006
Hotel Aubriot
C'est dans les caves de cette maison construite au XIIIème siècle, que se faisait la frappe des monnaies. C'est au cours d'une restauration au XXème siècle que l'on découvrit la façade romane sous une épaisse couche de mortier.
It is in the cellars of this house built in XIIIth century, that was made the striking of the currencies. It is during a restoration at the XXth century that one discovered the Romance frontage under a thick mortar bed.
It is in the cellars of this house built in XIIIth century, that was made the striking of the currencies. It is during a restoration at the XXth century that one discovered the Romance frontage under a thick mortar bed.
20 mai 2006
Le conservatoire national de région
Le Conservatoire Jean-Philippe Rameau, Conservatoire national de région, est l’un des grands établissements culturels de la Ville de Dijon. Il accueille chaque année plus de 1700 élèves. Placé sous le contrôle pédagogique du ministère de la Culture et de la communication, il a pour mission de développer l’enseignement des pratiques musicales, chorégraphiques et théâtrales associé à la diffusion et à la création.
The Academy Jean-Philippe Branch, Academy national of region, is one of the great cultural establishments of the Town of Dijon. It accomodates each year more than 1700 pupils. Placed under the teaching control of the ministry for the Culture and the communication, it has the role of developing the teaching of the musical, choreographic and theatrical practices associated the diffusion and creation.
The Academy Jean-Philippe Branch, Academy national of region, is one of the great cultural establishments of the Town of Dijon. It accomodates each year more than 1700 pupils. Placed under the teaching control of the ministry for the Culture and the communication, it has the role of developing the teaching of the musical, choreographic and theatrical practices associated the diffusion and creation.
19 mai 2006
18 mai 2006
Place Wilson
Une photo de la place wilson sous un autre angle, avec je suppose, un reste de rempart de la ville.
(Je suis en déplacement pour 10jours, merci Kristell d'appuyer sur le bouton :o)
A photograph of the Wilson place with another angle, with I suppose, a last trace of the rampart of the city
(I'm not at home for 10 days, thanks to Kristell to push the button :o)
(Je suis en déplacement pour 10jours, merci Kristell d'appuyer sur le bouton :o)
A photograph of the Wilson place with another angle, with I suppose, a last trace of the rampart of the city
(I'm not at home for 10 days, thanks to Kristell to push the button :o)
17 mai 2006
La pêche à la carpe
L'un des sports les plus populaire en bourgogne est la pêche! Et la pêche à la carpe en particulier. Elle attire de plus en plus de passionnés n'hésitant pas a rester plusieurs jours sur place pour tenter d'attraper l'un de ces poissons
One of most popular sport in Burgundy is fishing! And fishing carp in particular. It attracts more and more imassioned not hesitating has to remain several days on the spot to try to catch one of these fish.
One of most popular sport in Burgundy is fishing! And fishing carp in particular. It attracts more and more imassioned not hesitating has to remain several days on the spot to try to catch one of these fish.
16 mai 2006
Place Sadi Carnot/Republique
Au cœur de la ville, cette vaste place créée en 1888 est dominée par la statue d’un bourguignon célèbre François Sadi-Carnot qui fut président de la République entre 1887 et 1894 (date de sa mort ou il fut poignardé)
In the middle of the city, this vast place created in 1888 is dominated by the statue of Burgundian celebrates François Sadi-Carnot who was a president of the Republic between 1887 and 1894 (date of his death, he were stabbed)
In the middle of the city, this vast place created in 1888 is dominated by the statue of Burgundian celebrates François Sadi-Carnot who was a president of the Republic between 1887 and 1894 (date of his death, he were stabbed)
15 mai 2006
Hotel Vogüé
Intérieur de la cour de l'hotel de Vogüé qui mérite une attention particulière. La galerie qui relie les deux ailes du bâtiment repose sur un magnifique portique Renaissance à trois arcades
Interior of the court of the hotel of Vogüé which need a detailed attention. The gallery which connects the two wings of the building rests on a splendid Renaissance gantry with three arcades
Interior of the court of the hotel of Vogüé which need a detailed attention. The gallery which connects the two wings of the building rests on a splendid Renaissance gantry with three arcades
14 mai 2006
Le 20 novembre 1998, l'Auditorium de Dijon fut inauguré avec un concert de l'Orchestre National de France. Les remarquables performances acoustiques de la salle permettent d'accueillir un large éventail de formations symphoniques dirigées par des chefs prestigieux.
On November 20, 1998, the Auditorium of Dijon was inaugurated with a concert of the National Orchestra of France. The remarkable acoustic performances of the room make it possible to accomodate a broad range of symphonic formations directed by prestigious chiefs.
On November 20, 1998, the Auditorium of Dijon was inaugurated with a concert of the National Orchestra of France. The remarkable acoustic performances of the room make it possible to accomodate a broad range of symphonic formations directed by prestigious chiefs.
13 mai 2006
L'église Sainte Bernadette
Construite entre 1959 et 1964, cette église est construite en matériaux simples et modernes. Elle est édifiée sur deux plans superposé, le nef supérieur : 1200 places, la nef basse : 800 places et une chapelle de 120 places.
Built between 1959 and 1964, this church is built out of simple and modern materials. It is built on two plans superimposed, the nave superior: 1200 places, the low nave: 800 places and a chapel of 120 places
Built between 1959 and 1964, this church is built out of simple and modern materials. It is built on two plans superimposed, the nave superior: 1200 places, the low nave: 800 places and a chapel of 120 places
12 mai 2006
11 mai 2006
Horloge des halles
Située au centre des halles, c'est la première fois que je vois cette horloge. Tellement habitué quand je fait mes courses, à regarder les produits et les tableaux qu'ils dessinent avec toutes leurs couleurs, que j'en oubli de relever la tête!
Located at the center of the markets, it is the first time that I see this clock. So accustomed when I do some shopping , to look at the products and the tables which they draw with all their colors, that i'm in lapse to raise my head!
Located at the center of the markets, it is the first time that I see this clock. So accustomed when I do some shopping , to look at the products and the tables which they draw with all their colors, that i'm in lapse to raise my head!
10 mai 2006
Porte Guillaume
La Porte Guillaume est un Arc de triomphe du XVIIIe siècle, à l'entrée Ouest de la ville. Son nom rappelle le souvenir de Guillaume de Volpiano, réformateur de l'abbaye bénédictine Saint- Bénigne au XIe siècle. A l'origine, la porte Guillaume était insérée dans les remparts de la ville, construits après le grand incendie qui détruisit Dijon en 1137.
The Guillaume Door is a Triumphal arch of the XVIIIe century, at the West entry of the city. Its name points out the memory of Guillaume de Volpiano, reformer of the "Saint Benigne" abbey in XIe century. To the origin, the Guillaume door was inserted in the ramparts(wall)of the city, built after the large fire which destroyed Dijon in 1137.
The Guillaume Door is a Triumphal arch of the XVIIIe century, at the West entry of the city. Its name points out the memory of Guillaume de Volpiano, reformer of the "Saint Benigne" abbey in XIe century. To the origin, the Guillaume door was inserted in the ramparts(wall)of the city, built after the large fire which destroyed Dijon in 1137.
09 mai 2006
Les halles de dijon
Quoi de plus agréable de se lever de bonne heure et d'aller faire ses courses au marché! Si vous passez à Dijon, n'oubliez pas d'aller respirer les doux parfums des fleurs du marché et les étals aux halles.
What could be more pleasant to rise early and to go to make its shopping at the market! If you pass to Dijon, do not forget to go to breathe the soft perfumes of the flowers of the market and the stalls in the covered markets.
08 mai 2006
07 mai 2006
Détente autour du lac
Un moment de détente et de tranquilité autour du lac. Après le passage de la grippe aviaire, les promeneurs du dimanche se refamiliarisent avec les oiseaux (canards, poule d'eau, oies, cygnes ....
One moment of relaxation and tranquility around the lake. After the passage of the avian flu, the Sunday strollers are going to see the birds (ducks, water hen, geese, swans….
One moment of relaxation and tranquility around the lake. After the passage of the avian flu, the Sunday strollers are going to see the birds (ducks, water hen, geese, swans….
06 mai 2006
Les gens sont sales
Je ne comprend pas comment les gens peuvent être aussi dégoutant! Comme Amande, cette attitude a la don de me révolter, surtout qu'il y a une poubelle à 2 mêtres!!
I cani't believe taht people can be so disgusting! How Amande, this attitude is revolting me, especially when there is a dustbin around!!
I cani't believe taht people can be so disgusting! How Amande, this attitude is revolting me, especially when there is a dustbin around!!
05 mai 2006
Comme je n'étais pas là aujourd'hui et que je suis rentré tard, je n'ai pas pu prendre de photo.Voici donc la place Wilson vue sous un autre angle.
As I was not there today and that I've been late at home, I could not take photograph. Here thus the Wilson place seen under another angle
04 mai 2006
03 mai 2006
02 mai 2006
L'escargot de bourgogne
Il y a des mets qui ne se partagent pas entre pays. Comme les cuisses de grenouilles qui nous ont valu le titre de froogies en angleterre, je me demande comment est perçu à travers le monde le fait de manger des escargots?
PS: je ne les ai pas mangés ...
There are mets which are not divided between country. As the frog thighs which were worth us the title of froogies in England, I wonder how is perceived throughout the world makes it eat snails?
PS: they are still alive
PS: je ne les ai pas mangés ...
There are mets which are not divided between country. As the frog thighs which were worth us the title of froogies in England, I wonder how is perceived throughout the world makes it eat snails?
PS: they are still alive
01 mai 2006
Fête du travail
Le premier mai est aussi la fête du muguet en France et il est de tradition d'offrir un petit brin de muguet aux personnes que l'on aime. Le muguet est une fleur printanière par excellence car il fleurit au mois de mai. La tradition dit que le muguet porte bonheur, d'ailleurs d'après le langage des fleurs, muguet veut dite "retour du bonheur " On dit aussi que celui qui trouve un brin de muguet à 13 clochettes sera tout particulièrement favorisé par le destin.
May first is also the festival of the lily of the valley in France and it is the tradition to offer a small bit of lily of the valley to the people whom one loves. The lily of the valley is a spring flower because it flowers in May. The tradition says that the lily of the valley carries happiness, moreover according to the language of the flowers, lily of the valley wants known as "return of happiness" One also says that that which finds a bit of lily of the valley with 13 small bells will be particularly supported by the destiny.
May first is also the festival of the lily of the valley in France and it is the tradition to offer a small bit of lily of the valley to the people whom one loves. The lily of the valley is a spring flower because it flowers in May. The tradition says that the lily of the valley carries happiness, moreover according to the language of the flowers, lily of the valley wants known as "return of happiness" One also says that that which finds a bit of lily of the valley with 13 small bells will be particularly supported by the destiny.