30 avril 2006
29 avril 2006
Taille des vignes
Ceci est une brouette artisanal typique, faite avec un vieux tonneau, dont se servent les vignerons pour bruler les morceaux de vignes lors de leur coupe. La fumée sur cette photo viens de ces drole d'engin.
This is a typical artisanal wheelbarrow , made with an old barrel, of which the vine growers use to burn the pieces of vines at the time of their cut serve. Smoke on this photograph come from these funny machine.
This is a typical artisanal wheelbarrow , made with an old barrel, of which the vine growers use to burn the pieces of vines at the time of their cut serve. Smoke on this photograph come from these funny machine.
28 avril 2006
Jardin Darcy
En décembre dernier, je publiais cette fontaine du jardin Darcy mais sans eau. Aujourd'hui, fontaines et cascades reprennent du service.
In last december, i published this fountain of the Darcy's garden, but without water. Toaday, fountain and waterfall have to work.
In last december, i published this fountain of the Darcy's garden, but without water. Toaday, fountain and waterfall have to work.
27 avril 2006
Intérieur de l'église de Fixey
Voici l'intérieur de l'église d'hier, elle est petite mais non sans charme. (une autre photo)
Here is the interior of the church of yesterday. Small but charming. (another shot)
Here is the interior of the church of yesterday. Small but charming. (another shot)
26 avril 2006
L'église romane de Fixey
Dédiée à Saint Antoine et construite à partir du Xème siècle, cette église, classée monument historique, est un des plus anciens monuments de la côte dijonnaise.
This church was dedicated to Saint Antony and built from the 10th century onwards. Classified as an historical monument, it is one of the oldest buildings in the hillside region streching southwards from Dijon.
This church was dedicated to Saint Antony and built from the 10th century onwards. Classified as an historical monument, it is one of the oldest buildings in the hillside region streching southwards from Dijon.
25 avril 2006
Rue de la chouette
Un autre point de vue sur la rue de la Chouette et la Maison Millière.
Another angle of the street of the owl and of the Maison Millière.
24 avril 2006
Cadran solaire
Ce cadran solaire verticale, a table circulaire datée de 1881 a été restauré en l'an 2000. Déclinant à l'ouest de 26.7°, paralèlle à l'axe de la terre, il indique l'heure solaire de dijon
This sundial vertical, has circular table gone back to 1881 was restored in the year 2000. Declining in the west of 26.7°, parallel to the axis of the earth, it indicates the solar hour of Dijon
23 avril 2006
Trésor public
Cette photo n'est pas très réussie dans son aspect général, mais ce qui est amusant c'est que l'on peut voir le trésor public se refleter dans les vitres de la banque de france ...
This photograph is not successful in its general aspect, but it is amusing to see that the Treasury is reflecting in the windows of the bank of France...
This photograph is not successful in its general aspect, but it is amusing to see that the Treasury is reflecting in the windows of the bank of France...
22 avril 2006
21 avril 2006
Le théâtre
Près de deux siècles sont passé, mais la destruction de la sainte chapelle pour construire ce théatre on ne peut plus banal ne seront pas suffisants pour oublier cette étrange abérration.
Nearly two centuries passed, but the destruction of the holy chapel to build this theatre cannot be eanought to forget this strange behaviour.
Nearly two centuries passed, but the destruction of the holy chapel to build this theatre cannot be eanought to forget this strange behaviour.
20 avril 2006
Kiosque à musique place Wilson
La place du président Wilson est l'une des plus belles de Dijon, ses 8 000 m2 en font un lieu agréable. Un superbe kiosque à musique trône en ce lieu , son architecture élégante est remarquable, toute en légèreté, dans un parfait état de conservation. On s'imagine volontier écouter les cuivres ou autres instruments de musique dans un si joli décor, agrémenté d'un grand bassin avec jets d'eau
The place of president Wilson is one of most beautiful of Dijon, its 8 000 m2 make a pleasant place. A superb bandstand throne in this place, its architecture elegant is remarkable, all in lightness, in a perfect state of conservation. We can imagine to listen to coppers or other musical instruments in a so pretty decoration, decorated of a large basin with water.
The place of president Wilson is one of most beautiful of Dijon, its 8 000 m2 make a pleasant place. A superb bandstand throne in this place, its architecture elegant is remarkable, all in lightness, in a perfect state of conservation. We can imagine to listen to coppers or other musical instruments in a so pretty decoration, decorated of a large basin with water.
19 avril 2006
18 avril 2006
L'ours polaire du jardin Darcy
L'ours polaire, gardien du jardin Darcy est l'oeuvre du célèbre sculpteur François Pompon (même si ce n'est qu'une reproduction). Francois Pompon (9 mai 1855-6 mai 1933) était un sculpteur français (ayant travaillé avec Auguste Rodin). Il est connu pour ses sculptures animalières, exposées notamment au Musée d'Orsay. Son style est caractérisé par la lissité et la simplification.
The polar bear, guard of the Darcy garden is the work of the famous sculptor François Pompon (even if it is only a reproduction). François Pompon (May 9 May 1855-6, 1933) was a French sculptor (he has worked with Auguste Rodin). He is known for his sculptures of animals, exposed in particular in the Museum of Orsay. Its style is characterized by the lissity and simplification.
The polar bear, guard of the Darcy garden is the work of the famous sculptor François Pompon (even if it is only a reproduction). François Pompon (May 9 May 1855-6, 1933) was a French sculptor (he has worked with Auguste Rodin). He is known for his sculptures of animals, exposed in particular in the Museum of Orsay. Its style is characterized by the lissity and simplification.
17 avril 2006
16 avril 2006
15 avril 2006
14 avril 2006
La maison aux trois pignons
Située dans la rue de la Liberté, la maison aux trois pignons est l'une des plus célèbres de Dijon. Elle a été bâtie autour de 1450 et restaurée au moins trois fois depuis (1927,1960,1972).
Located in the street of Freedom, the house with the three gable is one of most famous of Dijon. It was built around 1450 and was restored at least three times (1927,1960,1972).
13 avril 2006
Sculpteur Claus Sluter
Un des plus célèbre artiste de l'époque des ducs de Bourgogne est certainement Claus Sluter. Auteur du Puits de Moïse et de l'un des tombeaux de la Chartreuse de Champol.
One of the most famous artist of the time of the dukes of Burgundy is certainly Claus Sluter. Author of the "Puits de Moïse" and the one of the tombs of "Chartreuse de Champol".
One of the most famous artist of the time of the dukes of Burgundy is certainly Claus Sluter. Author of the "Puits de Moïse" and the one of the tombs of "Chartreuse de Champol".
12 avril 2006
Jardin éphémère
Le jardin éphémère place Darcy : 800 mètres carrés, 30 000 bulbes de tulipes, jacinthes et autres narcisses. Au milieu de ces fleurs, il y a 1 000 trèfles à quatre feuille en laiton nickelé piqués dans 200 mètres carrés de gazon. Ces trèfles sont en fait l'oeuvre de l'artiste Delphine Coindet. Le principe est que les gens peuvent normalement emmener un trèfle. Le fait est qu'il y a un gardien et que personne n'ose s'approcher de près... Cette oeuvre appartient à la collection du Fonds régional d'art contemporain de Haute-Normandie. (Merci Anna pour toutes ces précisions). Ce jardin éphémère durera deux semaines jusqu'au 17 avril.
The transitory garden place Darcy: 800 square meters, 30 000 bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and others narcisses. In the medium of these flowers, there is 1 000 four-leaf clovers out of brass nickelled in 200 square meters of grass. This clover is in fact the work of the artist Delphine Coindet. The principle is that people can normally take along a clover. The fact is that there is a guard and that nobody dares to approach closely... This work belongs to the collection of the Funds regional of contemporary art of High-Normandy. (Thank you Anna for all these precise details). This transitory garden will last two weeks until April 17.
The transitory garden place Darcy: 800 square meters, 30 000 bulbs of tulips, hyacinths and others narcisses. In the medium of these flowers, there is 1 000 four-leaf clovers out of brass nickelled in 200 square meters of grass. This clover is in fact the work of the artist Delphine Coindet. The principle is that people can normally take along a clover. The fact is that there is a guard and that nobody dares to approach closely... This work belongs to the collection of the Funds regional of contemporary art of High-Normandy. (Thank you Anna for all these precise details). This transitory garden will last two weeks until April 17.
11 avril 2006
Au Pauvre Diable
Anciennement un grand magasin, ce batiment crée au XIXème siècle habrite désormais l'enseigne H&M. En 1986, le film VAUDEVILLE, de Jean Marbœuf, fut tourné en partie à Dijon dans les magasins du Pauvre Diable.
In the past a department store, this building creates at the XIXème century is now on sign H&M. In 1986, the film "VAUDEVILLE", of Jean Marboeuf, was filmed partly to Dijon in the stores of the "Pauvre diable".
In the past a department store, this building creates at the XIXème century is now on sign H&M. In 1986, the film "VAUDEVILLE", of Jean Marboeuf, was filmed partly to Dijon in the stores of the "Pauvre diable".
10 avril 2006
09 avril 2006
Le couvent des carmélites
Conçue par l'architecte Tassin, la façade illustre le style baroque. Des colonnes délimitent des niches logeant des statuesde saint personnages : sainte Thérèse et le prophète Elie au niveau inférieur, la Vierge et saint Joseph au milieu, le Christ au sommet.
Conceived by the Tassin architect, the frontage illustrates the style baroque. Columns delimit niches placing of the statuesde holy characters: holy Thérèse and the Elie prophet at the lower level, the Virgin and holy Joseph in the medium, Christ at the top.
Conceived by the Tassin architect, the frontage illustrates the style baroque. Columns delimit niches placing of the statuesde holy characters: holy Thérèse and the Elie prophet at the lower level, the Virgin and holy Joseph in the medium, Christ at the top.
08 avril 2006
Les Ruches
C'est en allant prendre la photo d'hier que j'ai pris celle-ci. Je n'avais jamais fait attention qu'il y avait des ruches ici. Le problème, c'est qu'il y en avait une de mauvaise humeur et qui n'avait aucune envie de passer sur dijon daily photo!! Résultat, elle m'a piqué l'oreille droite. Aie! Rien de grave, mais c'est la première fois que je me fais charger par une abeille!
It is while going to take the photograph of yesterday that I took this one. I had never paid attention that there were hives here. The problem, it is that there was one of bad mood of them and who did not want any to pass on Dijon daily photo!! Result, it has sting me the right ear. Aie! I'm ok, but it is the first time that I am made charge by a bee!
It is while going to take the photograph of yesterday that I took this one. I had never paid attention that there were hives here. The problem, it is that there was one of bad mood of them and who did not want any to pass on Dijon daily photo!! Result, it has sting me the right ear. Aie! I'm ok, but it is the first time that I am made charge by a bee!
07 avril 2006
Route de campagne
C'est une route que je prend a chaque fois que je vais à Dijon, et à chaque fois je me dis qu'il faut que je m'arrete pour prendre ce paysage en photo. Cette fois c'est fait, même si le résultat n'est pas forcément celui escompté.
It is a road which I takes has each time I go to Dijon, and each time I think that it is necessary that I stop to take this landscape in photograph. This time it is done, even if the result is not inevitably that discounted.
It is a road which I takes has each time I go to Dijon, and each time I think that it is necessary that I stop to take this landscape in photograph. This time it is done, even if the result is not inevitably that discounted.
06 avril 2006
La maison sans toit ...
Cette maison est d'un aspect terrible, avec son allée noire et profonde, sa façade en trouée de lucarnes vides qui vous regardent comme les yeux d'une tête de mort. Au Moyen Age, cette maison appartient à un pâtissier nommé Jean Carquelin. Sa renommée est grande à Dijon ; ses pâtés sont de rigueur sur toutes les tables bien servies de la capitale bourguignonne. Mais voilà que de sombres rumeurs circulent par la ville et y jettent l'effroi. Des enfants disparaissent. On arrête de nombreuses bandes de bohémiens mais l'on ne retrouve pas les enfants volés. Et la pauvre mère se tord les bras de désespoir. La foule exaspérée ne pouvant plus accuser les bohémiens commence à soupçonner les Juifs. Une voix s'élève alors et demande de quelle chair sont faits les pâtés de Jean Carquelin. Horrible supposition ! La justice s'émeut. On accourt chez l'infâme commerçant et l'on trouve dans sa cave les débris sanglants d'un enfant ... Jean Carquelin est condamné à mort et le toit de sa maison est enlevé en signe d'infamie. Il subit le supplice de la roue sur la place du Morimont (place Emile Zola actuelle). Telle est la légende.
This house is of a terrible aspect, with its black and deep alley, its frontage in perforated empty attic windows which look you like the eyes of a death's-head. To the Average Age, this house belongs to a pastrycook named Jean Carquelin. Its fame is large in Dijon; its pies are required on all the tables been useful well of the Burgundian capital. But here that dark rumours circulate by the city and throw fear there. Children disappear. Many bands of gipsies are stopped but the stolen children are not found. And the poor mother twists the arms of despair. Exasperated crowd not being able more to show the gipsies starts to suspect the Jews. A voice rises then and requires of which flesh the pies of Jean Carquelin are made. Horrible assumption! Justice is moved. One runs to the infamous one trading and one finds in his cellar the bloody remains of a child... Jean Carquelin is condemned to died and the roof of its house is removed as a sign of infamy. It undergoes the torture of the wheel on the place of Morimont (current place Emile Zola). Such is the legend
This house is of a terrible aspect, with its black and deep alley, its frontage in perforated empty attic windows which look you like the eyes of a death's-head. To the Average Age, this house belongs to a pastrycook named Jean Carquelin. Its fame is large in Dijon; its pies are required on all the tables been useful well of the Burgundian capital. But here that dark rumours circulate by the city and throw fear there. Children disappear. Many bands of gipsies are stopped but the stolen children are not found. And the poor mother twists the arms of despair. Exasperated crowd not being able more to show the gipsies starts to suspect the Jews. A voice rises then and requires of which flesh the pies of Jean Carquelin are made. Horrible assumption! Justice is moved. One runs to the infamous one trading and one finds in his cellar the bloody remains of a child... Jean Carquelin is condemned to died and the roof of its house is removed as a sign of infamy. It undergoes the torture of the wheel on the place of Morimont (current place Emile Zola). Such is the legend
05 avril 2006
Notre dame 3
Une dernière photo de Notre Dame qui nous montre sa façade occidentale comportant actuellement, comme au Moyen Age, une triple frise portant cinquante et une gargouilles.
A last photograph of "Notre Dame" which shows us his Western frontage currently comprising, as at the Average Age, triple plank carrying fifty and one waste-gas mains.
A last photograph of "Notre Dame" which shows us his Western frontage currently comprising, as at the Average Age, triple plank carrying fifty and one waste-gas mains.
04 avril 2006
03 avril 2006
02 avril 2006
Musée d'art sacré
J'ai trouvé cette photo assez sympas et originale dans ses formes pour dijon. Ce que l'on voit derriere, c'est le musée d'art sacré. Il est harité par la chapelle Saint-Anne. Il réunit les objets religieux des eglises de Bourgogne ainsi que les vêtements liturgiques, du mobilier et des oeuvres d'art constituant le patrimoine d'origine de ce sanctuaire. Il y a également plusieurs vases sacrés classés Monuments Historiques.
I found this photograph enough cool and original in his forms for Dijon. What one sees behind, it is the museum of sacred art. It is habrity by the 3chapelle Sainte-Anne". It joins together the religious objects of the church of Burgundy as well as the vestments, of the furniture and the works of art constituting the inheritance of origin of this sanctuary. There are also several classified crowned muds historic buildings.
01 avril 2006
Escalier des Etats
C'est un escalier qui mène au Palais des Ducs et des Etats de Bourgogne, mais je n'en sais pas beaucoup plus. Si quelqu'un a des infos ...(ce ne serait pas l'escalier Gabriel??)
It is a staircase which leads to the Palate of the Dukes and the States of Burgundy, but I do not know any much more. If somebody has infos... (that would not be the Gabriel staircase??)
It is a staircase which leads to the Palate of the Dukes and the States of Burgundy, but I do not know any much more. If somebody has infos... (that would not be the Gabriel staircase??)